Mortgage-backed securities today traded at a high of the last two years plus…which means rates are at their lows.
Pass it along if you know of anyone who needs to take advantage of these rates.
VERMONTI made a visit to Vermont in May, to witness my son Kenny’s graduation from Marlboro College.
It was a wonderful experience for many reasons, but primarily because my son chose his own path, a bit outside the norm…and is pursuing his own dream, which is very different from the “typical”… especially for Southern California.
We stayed in a lovely Bed and Breakfast called the White House Inn in Wilmington. It is near many of the skiing areas in southern Vermont. Please call me for more info if you ever decide to visit for the fall foliage, or the summer Marlboro Music Festival-- which I attended last July with my mother, and is replete with world-renowned musicians who “re-charge” there for the summer, and offer amazing classical music, in a lovely setting. For tickets and information go to:
I don’t recommend springtime for a visit, which is “Mud Season” and is far more mud (and deeper) than you can ever imagine, unless you have lived in it. Cars get stuck all the time!
Vermont is a horse of a different color. I joke every time I visit Vermont that most everyone looks to me as if they are camping. The truth is, they just look like they wear clothing that is functional and works for their environment. I shouldn’t talk. When I camp I still blow-dry my hair…If there is an electric outlet nearby!
People who live in Vermont are very concerned about the environment, sustainable lifestyles, energy efficiency, and the Eaarth. (more on the Eaarth in another Blog) Most Vermonters live in rural settings on or near farms, and spend time caring for their sugar bush, (think maple syrup) animals, caring for their spectacular home gardens, reading a lot, and thinking even more.
They don’t allow “big box” stores in Vermont, so you have to drive to Massachusetts or New Hampshire to find a WalMart, etc. It is a very interesting place that cherishes local products only.
Kenny is staying in Marlboro this summer, building his Greenhouse, (see my earlier blog on his Greenhouse) and working at a bakery/coffee shop in Brattleboro. He is a self-sustaining unit who thinks for himself, is pursuing his passion, and I am very proud of him. I don’t think he’ll live there forever…but I also don’t think he’ll return to California. He reminds me of that periodically. Here is the link to his Grenhouse design on YouTube: